Those who have clear ideas on what life ought to be always have difficulty in reconciling themselves to what it is.
Noel Annan
Garth Hudson (1937-2025)
1 month ago
In the tradition of Halifax and his admirers (e.g. Butterfield, Oakeshott, et al.), this blog is dedicated to the politics of skepticism (or anti-ideological politics, or even unprincipled politics, if you prefer).
Painfully true. But at the same time it's a blind acceptance of what is, and, as such, an unexamined life: a bovine existence contrary to human nature en perhaps human dignity.
I'm not sure that I understand the second half of your comment. Could you re-state it for me?
Because it seems a denial of free will, which is difficult to imagine without it opening a realm of creativity.
To clarify:
Because it seems a denial of free will, and free will is difficult to imagine without it opening a realm of creativity.
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